From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Expanding Practitioner Knowledge for Racial Justice in Higher Education 2020,+T.+B.,+Bensimon,+E.+M.,+%26+Malcom-Piqueux,+L.+(2020).++From+equity+walk+to+equity+talk:+Expanding+practitioner+knowledge+for+racial+justice+in+higher+education.+San+Francisco,+CA:+Wiley.&ots=ufOscNK3gc&sig=TayPzsQD5dvl-5WGZH7Ec3rKQyU#v=onepage&q&f=falseMcNair, T. B., Bensimon, E. M., & Malcom-Piqueux, L. (2020). From equity talk to equity walk: Expanding practitioner knowledge for racial justice in higher education. …
Latino First-Generation Student Experiences in a Community College Baccalaureate Program 2020, C. (2020). Latino first-generation student experiences in a community college baccalaureate program [Thesis]. California State University System., C. (2020). Latino first-generation student experiences in a community college baccalaureate …
Community College Baccalaureate Programs: State Policy Framework 2020, I., Palmer, I., & Center on Education and Skills at New America (CESNA). (2020). Community college baccalaureate programs: State policy framework. New America., I., Palmer, I., & Center on Education and …
Education, race, and jobs in the COVID-19 crisis. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce 2020, A., & Gulish, A. (2020). Education, race, and jobs in the COVID-19 crisis. Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. …
The Baccalaureate and Beyond: An Analysis of Demographics and Labor Market Outcomes of Florida Community College Baccalaureate Graduates 2020, I. (2020). The baccalaureate and beyond: An analysis of demographics and labor market outcomes of Florida community college baccalaureate graduates. New …
The Impact of Community College Baccalaureate Adoption on Associate Degree Production 2020, J. C., Kramer, D. A., Gonzalez Canche, M. S., & Fernandez, F. (2020). The impact of community college baccalaureate adoption on associate degree production. Teachers College Record, 122(1). …
Washington Bachelor’s of Applied Science Graduate Employment and Earnings Outcomes 2020, E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2020). Washington bachelor’s of applied science graduate employment and earnings outcomes. Community College Research Initiatives., E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2020). …
Advocacy Tool Kit: Bachelor’s Degrees at the Community College 2020, I. & Love, I. (2020). Advocacy tool kit: Bachelor’s degrees at the community college [PowerPoint slides]. New America., I. & Love, I. (2020). Advocacy tool kit: Bachelor’s degrees at …
Stratified Trajectories: Charting Equity Gaps in Program Pathways among Community College Students 2020, Y., Fay, M. P., & Fink, J. (2020). Stratified trajectories: Charting equity gaps in program pathways among community college students. Community College Research Center, 126., Y., …
Geography of College Opportunity: Situating Community College Baccalaureates Across Demographic Differences 2020, M. B. (2020). Geography of college opportunity: Situating community college baccalaureates across demographic differences. (Doctoral Dissertation). The Ohio State University., M. B. (2020). Geography of college opportunity: …