Florida (FL) 137078 St. Petersburg College Health Services Administration (BAS) 51.2211 51 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 137315 South Florida State College Elementary Education (BS) 13.1202 13 Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) 137315 South Florida State College Nursing (BSN) 51.3801 51 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Florida (FL) 137096 Santa Fe College Organizational Management (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 137315 South Florida State College Supervision and Management (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 137096 Santa Fe College Accounting (BS) 52.0301 52 Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) 137281 St. John’s River State College Early Childhood Education (BS) 13.1210 13 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 137209 Seminole State College of Florida Information Systems Technology (BS) 11.0103 11 Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) 137281 St. John’s River State College Nursing (BSN) 51.3801 51 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Florida (FL) 137209 Seminole State College of Florida Public Safety Adminstration (BS) 43.9999 43 Bacheolor of Science