West Virginia (WV) 237686 West Virginia University at Parkersburg Software Engineering (BAT) 14.0903 14 Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT)
Utah (UT) 230597 Snow College Software Engineering (BS) 14.0903 14 Bachelor of Science (BS)
Texas (TX) 227304 Odessa College Automation (BAAS) 14.4201 14 Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS)
South Carolina (SC) 218113 Greenville Technical College Advanced Manufacturing Technology (BAS) 14.4201 14 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Michigan (MI) 171483 Northwestern Michigan College Marine Technology (BS) 14.2401 14 Bachelor of Science (BS)
Colorado (CO) 127884 Pueblo Community College Secure Software Development (BAS) 14.0903 14 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)